Monday 23 June 2014

A 'Sweetheart' Afternoon Tea Party

My WI Vice President is about to get married and as her wedding plans had gone less than smoothly, me and the committee decided to throw her a surprise Hen Do and what would be more WI than a tea party?!

A couple of weeks ago, me and mum set about secretly inviting people and everyone agreed to bring along a little something to either eat or drink. Safe to say, we ended up with quite a superb spread, with many a homemade baked good and even a WI prize winning jam! 

We'd decorated the room with bunting, flowers and my new favourite purchases, our blackboards and everyone was very happy with the final result. 

Everyone had arrived about an hour before our bride to be was due, however as time ticked on, we started to worry where she had got to and so one of our committee members text her Fiancée (who was in on the surprise), to just get the response 'Oh Shit'. And so after a frantic phone call, under the guise of an 'emergency WI committee meeting', she arrived and was over the moon with the party.

All that we left to do was to tuck in to finger sandwiches, pimms and cake and celebrate the upcoming nuptials, and celebrate we did!

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Hay, I hope you had a lovely day. 

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